A theme would be the importance of family and hope. Bud has many obstacles in the story but never gives up.
Philadelphia, June 18
I write this letter out of admiration and hope. For I, who have never purposely hurt another human being, am willing to be hurt to defend a dream.
Sir, I respect you and all that you and the great men of this land have been doing for the sake of us all. For the sake of families and faces that you have never met.
I am no soldier, but I am a believer. I am no fighter, but I am a survivor. I ask you, humbly, to allow me to be a part of history and fight for what is right. I beg you to give me a chance to proudly assure that the good men of this land and our children keep what is their, to keep what they deserve.
trade schools are cheaper they have higher job placement and even the bibble says that works with your hands are good
things go wrong in their life