The answer to your question is D.
1. Describe each of the three primary discipline styles.
The three main styles of parenting are:
- <u>Authoritarian:</u> This style of parenting is characterized by rigid rules and the extreme use of disciplinary methods. Usually, children raised under this parenting style are fearful and withdrawn.
- Permissive: This method of parenting is characterized by parents who do not establish fixed rules for their children. Children who are raised under this parenting style often have trouble accepting laws and controlling their impulses.
- Authoritative: In this method of parenting, parents usually define the rules better, but without being too authoritarian, asserting the opinion of their children. Children raised under this parenting style are confident.
2. How can positive communication improve children's behavior?
Positive communication is that in which the person expresses what they think, feel and desire without harming others. Using positive communication in children implies allowing them to express themselves clearly and be heard in an empathic way, this allows children to express clearly what they want without the need to engage in behaviors that are sometimes harmful to attract attention. It also makes the child feel respected and accepted which affects their behavior.
3. what are natural and logical consequences? describe each of these and how they might be used
The natural consequences are those that occur as a consequence of performing an action and are used to teach the child about act and consequence, for example; when we touch the fire we can burn ourselves.
The logical consequences are those that may or may not happen if an action is taken and used to teach the child to make decisions, for example: if you behave well you will be rewarded, but if you behave badly you will have a punishment.
I hope this information can help you.
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I won't because the return is small considering the loan period; I would ask for a renegotiation for $650.
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¿Sabes identificar las emociones de las personas que te rodean?
¿Cómo lo haces?
Answer: Aunque a veces es difícil, generalemente sí puedo identificar las emociones de quienes me rodean a partir de sus gestos y acciones.
Yo misma suelo intentar ocultar emociones que me hacen sentir vulnerable, como el miedo o la vergüenza. Pero así como yo puedo identificar las emociones de otros a través de sus gestos y acciones, seguramente mis estados de ánimo serán evidentes para quien observa con atención.
Los nervios pueden generar agitación, sudoración, temblor de las manos o cambio en el tono de voz. El enojo puede manifestarse con gestos y miradas que indican ira, e incluso con elevamiento del tono de voz, y el uso de frases agresivas. La alegría puede verse en amplias sonrisas y una fluidez en los movimientos del cuerpo.
Por supuesto, la mejor forma de expresar nuestras emociones es a través del diálogo, no sólo para poder conectarnos unos con otros, sino que además compartir nuestros sentimientos puede ayudarnos a procesarlos.