Answer: Bipolar 2
Explanation: Some individual may often suffer from mental illness or disorder which is characterized by feelings of depression, despondency and often lack of desire even to those things, events, hobbies which are very dear to them. This kind of mental disorder is called Bipolar disorder. However, Mary's feeling and behavior as described above, marks a class of bipolar disorder called BIPOLAR 2 which isn't as severe as the BIPOLAR Mary's case is a mix of depression and very active states, whereby feelings of depression is followed by elevated mood or behavior which is a little above normal, this is showcased in the beautiful painting she creates after her depressive episode.
It is a symbol to let they know where they were so they didn’t get lost.
Police officers are dispatched to your location by 911. When the police arrive at the scene they look around the scene and pay attention to activity. Police try to determine if any weapons are present and if anyone needs the paramedics. Police also check for warrants for anyone at the scene and whether there are any Orders for Protection, Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders or Harassment Restraining Orders in effect.
According to social comparison theory, Barbara appears to have engaged in downward comparison.
According to Leon Festinger's Theory of Social Comparison, we commonly compare ourselves to people who are similar to us. We do that with the purpose of making accurate self-evaluations. However, a type of comparison known as downward comparison happens when we do not look at those who are similar to us. Instead, we compare ourselves to people who are in an inferior, more unfortunate position. That is a way we find to feel better about ourselves. This is what Barbara has done. She only knows the grades of two other classmates - one did better, one did worse than she did. Yet, she has chosen to think she has done really well relative to others in the class. Barbara has clearly chosen to ignore the one got an A, comparing herself to the one who got a C.