I would like to conclude my speech by saying the famous words of George Washington Carveer " Education is the key to unlock the Golden door of Freedom "
The answer to your question would be success.
east egg comes from a history of old money. basically they've always been rich while west egg is rich but they are aqquired from their own hard work.
1. for the Milwaukee Brewers
2. of baseball's most distinguished records
3. with 30 or more homeruns
4. in the top five
5. for career hits and runs
y'all good? I'm not sure if this was a question or what but if it is, please specify what you need to be answered. otherwise, you can always dm me if you wanna talk. idk why you'd post something like this here if you didn't want it proofread or what, but I'm not in the place to judge. feel free to ask whatever it is you want, I'm always here to help :)