Joe needs to be capitalized and bill needs to be capitalized. joe tom and bill need comas. it’s supposed to be their. there’s no question mark. there’s supposed to be a period after father
Dahl is talking to the two airmen who helped him and rescued him from cockpit of the Hurricane.
Going Solo is an autobiographical account of Roald Dahl that shares Dahl journey of his traveling to Africa and as a pilot.
In the chapter titled '<u>First Encounter With Bandit</u>', Dahl narrates his story when he was serving as a pilot in Greece when the Germans invaded there. In his chapter, he recalls the account when he was lying paralyzed in the cockpit of his airplane named 'Hawker Hurricane.' His plane crashed and fractured his skull.
He was rescued by two airmen, David Coke and Corporal. So, in this chapter, Dahl is talking to these two airmen, who rescued him from cockpit of the Hurricane.
They love each other but their parents have always hated each other.
The demand for the product; weather there is a similar product out there; is it a special edition or limited product.