Westley "Wes" Moore is an American author, social entrepreneur, television producer, political analyst, and decorated US Army officer.
He is the author of The Other Wes Moore and The Work, both of which are New York Times Bestsellers.
Hope to help :)
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Advertisements are used by many companies. They are used to promote business and increase sales. There are online advertisements and advertisements on billboards, in newspapers, and on TV. There are negative and positive impacts that come from advertisements.
The products that are sold due to advertisements lead to an increase in business an the amount of income. However, sometimes that product could harm the customer or even the environment. Advertisements bring awareness for people, companies, and new products and keep them up to date. The products can be good for health, nutrition, education etc. They also gain benefit. Advertisements provide jobs for many people. This helps many families with another set of income. It also helps the television channels gain revenue as charges and taxes. Advertisements can sometimes be funny and entertaining. Sometimes sports are sponsored by advertisements, giving the common citizen a good game to watch.
Although they do have good impacts, advertisement have negative impacts such as chances for scam and fraud. This means that even though a product is being advertised, the company could be advertising this as a distraction for them taking your money without you getting what you paid for. They can also mislead people and youth in the wrong direction. Some products are good for promotion while others are not. Those that shouldn't be promoted are done without a thought on the customer, but on the money. Some advertisements show inappropriate content as well. Some advertisements also go against the law. For example, some medications are not supposed to be sold through ads but they are still promoted.
There are other impacts on ads as well. Ads are used to get tax aid from the government. The companies are encouraged to introduce their products to the public. Also, ads play to the players and athletes tat it sponsors. This is good because the better the athletes perform, the more money they make.
Advertisements are good and they are bad. You just need to know how to define the negative and positive.
For me i think its the first one because Dorothy was insensitive to the feelings of his sister and that sentence made him realize it