I think the structure is cause and effect. They choose to put the titles this way so the reader will have an idea about what they are reading. And lastly “Top Food Chain”
n Example of Internal Motivation
Dimensions of Internal Motivation. Individuals may define and express their internal needs differently, but psychologists have found a cluster of core motivating principles.
Lessons From a Personal Trainer. Excellent personal trainers are masters at motivating their clients. ...
It seems as though the Author's purpose is to appeal to a reader's sense of positivity.
The poem "The Road Not Taken" was written by Robert Frost. The main theme of this poem is as follows: Life is made up of a series of choices or paths. The speaker must choose which path to take. His life experience will be based on what depending on what choices he made.The poem "The Seven Ages of Man" was written by William Shakespeare. It is written in free verse and is a narration of a man's life from birth to death. This poem is chronological in its narration. <span>Both poems use powerful symbolic images to portray life and man's response to life. </span>