My favorite sport is <em>-insert team sport-</em> I first knew about this sport because <em>-insert sibiling or friend-</em> played it before me. I wanted to follow in their footsteps when I was younger, so I started to play -<em>insert sport- </em> as well. I usually practice this sport about four times a week, but it is sometimes different depending on the week. This is my favorite sport because it is fun to play, it is a team sport, and because it teaches the players teamwork, which I think is very important in every day life. My favorite position on this sport is -insert position-. I like this because <em>-</em><em>give why-. </em>I would reccomend this sport to people, becuase it teaches you a good life lesson, while you are having fun.
try to change the words a little bit to make then 1. sound more like how you ususally write, and 2. so you dont get marked off for plagerism.
Let me know if you want a different sport or anything, this is just the only sport i play haha
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