I think it’s 2
Audie Murphy received every American combat reward for bravery
obtainable at the time of his provision, as well as the Medal of Honor. He also
received numerous acknowledgements from France and Belgium. Audie Murphy was
one of the most known American soldiers during the World War II.
b. the gap between men's and women's earnings was narrowing.
Yes, you can
Prolonged or repeated exposure kills cells on your skin, which will damage it.
Answer: A statement against the evil of the slave trade.
In his original draft of the Declaration, Jefferson condemned the slave trade carried on by the British. (Yes, Jefferson himself owned slaves he had inherited, but saw an eventual emancipation of slaves as something that would need to be done over time.) The paragraph in the draft of the Declaration said that the King of England "has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty" by capturing, transporting and selling human beings from the distant land of Africa. He called the "market where men should be bought and sold" an "execrable commerce" carried on by authority of the British crown. ("Execrable" is an adjective related to excrement -- something extremely nasty.)
Georgia and South Carolina would not join in voting for independence from Britain unless the paragraph about the evil of the slave trade was omitted, and so it was omitted from the final version.