The word "restaurant" is a true cognate.
<em>Cognate words are similar words between two languages with the same meaning and spelling although the pronunciation is different</em>
hope this helps ☺☺☺
A town meeting<span> is a </span>form<span> of direct democratic rule, used primarily in portions of the United States – principally in </span>New England<span> – since the 17th century, in which most or all the members of a community come together to legislate policy and budgets for local</span>government<span>.</span>
combien d'enfants y a-t il ? (how many kids are they ?)
Qui conduit la voiture ? (Who is driving the car?)
Combien de fenêtres a la deuxième maison à gauche ? (how many windows are there on the second house on the left ?)
Où se trouve l'horloge ? (Where is the clock ?)
Quelle heure indique-t elle ? (What time does she show?)
Comment est habillée la mère ? ( How is the mother dressed ?)
Comment sont les bras de la petite fille ? (how are the arms of the little girl ?)
Que porte-t elle ? (what does she has on ...another way to say "how is she dressed?
Que fait le petit garçon avec ses bras ? (What does the little boy do with his arms ?)
Comment est-il habillé ? (how is he dressed ?)
Comment est la fenêtre de la première maison à gauche ? (how is the window of the first house on the left?)
Qu'y a-t il tout à droite du dessin ? (what is there on the very right of the drawing)
Combien d'étages y a-t il dans le plus grand des immeubles ? (How many floors are there on the highest building ?)
Où se trouve la valise ? (where is the suitcase ?)
Well you may choose out ten questions now !!
hope I helped !
Sophie et Sylvie sont mes colocataires.
<span>Etreindre, enlacer , embrasser : ces verbes sont - ils synonymes ?