O The extreme cold is more than the man can endure.
Jack London's "To Build A Fire" revolves around the story of a man stuck in a blizzard and his eventual death. The stubborn nature of the man added to his fate, for he overturned the opinions of the old man not to venture in the cold Yukon mountains at that time. And his impulsive nature of moving ahead with his plan so that he will reunite with his friends at the camp led to the fateful journey along the cold freezing mountains.
The setting of the trial, the cold freezing atmosphere became an obstacle for him in his need to reach his destination. He knows for sure that he will <em>"freeze anyway"</em>, for he knows <em>"he had been making a fool of himself, running around like a chicken with its head cut off."</em> And it was this conflict that emerges from the setting that forces the man to accept his fate. He found a new peace of mind, and decided <em>"to sleep off to death"</em>.
Thus, the <u>correct answer is that the extreme cold is too extreme for a man to endure, more than one can endure.</u>
Ufbccdjsdvbjsdcbdu how old are you
The Literary device is PATHOS. It is a method of persuasion and convincing the audience with an argument that appeal to the emotions and feelings. In this particular statement, the author attempts to persuade the audience to get involve into the recycling program actively by appealing to their emotions and feelings towards the environment.
In sum, we have a good understanding of what motivates people to believe in conspiracy theories. That is, they do so because of three basic needs we all have: to understand the world around us, to feel secure and in control, and to maintain a positive self-image.