The percentage of women in the workforce steadily increased until about half of women worked at least part-time.
Many women returned to the home as housewives, although some worked part-time.
Women were encouraged to work in factories and offices to take the place of men at war.
The Equal Pay Act (EPA) mandated that men and women in the same job must be paid equally.
Prohibited all forms of human cloning "inasmuch as cloning is incompatible with human dignity the protection of
A) Loyalists outnumbered Patriots.
Especially many loyalists were observed in the South, in New York, in Pennsylvania, and in Georgia and South Carolina they made up the majority. Loyalists called for moderation in the struggle for the rights of the colonies, for which they were attacked by radical patriots. Georgia was one of the main centers of loyalists in the Revolutionary War. During the war, there were whole army formations formed from loyalists; nevertheless, their actions had little effect on the outcome of the entire Anglo-American conflict.
The Whiskey Rebellion was a significant event in American history because it proved that the U.S. government was willing and able to suppress violent opposition with military force. The events during this rebellion also played a significant role in the development of political parties.