Interventionism- to prevent Soviet influence, to keep control over natural resources ,and more recently: to prevent the spread of religious fundamentalist terrorism
The Underground Railroad was a complex network of secret routes that slaves traveled to get to freedom. Along the way, there were houses known as "safe houses". They were operated by free people, abolitionists, and Quakers. Without these people, the Umderground Railroad would habe never worked and slaves wouldn't have found freedom.
Production of more food--the system allowed for more food to be produced which fed the workers in an industrial economy.
The 'four-field system' rotates crops between the 4 fields no longer needing to keep one empty because one of the crops would replenish the field with nutrients while the others take nutrients away from the fields. <span />
"The Dialectic of Christianity" first appeared in Culture in History, edited by Stanley Diamond, which was published by Columbia University Press in 1961, and is reprinted with their permission. "The Symbols of Folk Culture" is reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder, The Con- ference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Incorpo- rated, and was written for its thirteenth symposium volume, Symbols and Values: An Initial Study, pub- lished in New York City, in 1954. Acknowledgment is made to the American Folk- lore Society, Inc.