As factors of production, the reward for land is rent, capital is interest, labour is wages and salaries and entrepreneur is profit.
I would say that all of the following are steps to help you be a good problem solver except B and C. You need to define the problem and then set about creating solutions. For example, if it is becoming too expensive to haul ore out of an open pit because it its too deep so the haulage costs are prohibitive, then a potential solution involves decreasing haulage costs by shortening the haul which can be resolved by extending in pit conveyors and crusher down close to the ore deep within the pit.
one product strategy
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the best strategy in this situation would be a one product strategy. This is a business strategy in which the company focuses on a single flagship product and making it sell as much as possible before diversifying into other products. This prevents the company from being overwhelmed with various products and instead allows them to focus and one and grow the product as well as the company.
Third-degree price discrimination.
Third-degree price discrimination is when a seller charges different prices to different groups of people. This price discrimination can be based on age , occupation, sex eye
First degree price discrimination is when a sellers charges different prices to consumers based on their willingness to pay. This type of discrimination aims to eliminate consumer surplus.
Second degree price discrimination is when a sellers gives discounts for different quantities purchased. E.g. bulk purchases.
I hope my answer helps you
Answer: 0.68
Using the measures given, the equity beta can be calculated as:
Equity beta = Asset beta * (1 + (1 - Tax rate) * (Debt/Equity)
= 0.9 * ( 1 + ( 1 - 23%) * (30% / 70%)
= 1.593 * 0.3/0.7
= 0.68