A technique known as bug listing is one useful strategy for problem finding. A bug list is known as making a list of theings that bug you. When this list is made, you can help solve the problems that are bugging you in your life instead of dwelling on things that may never change or dwelling without changing your life.
Key ideas:
- A single entity controls the flow of the product.
- Possesses the power to limit prices.
- Will have some influence in politics.
- Difficult for new companies to enter the market.
Monopoly refers to the state when there is only one company controlling the flow of products, therefore controlling the prices of it. There are a lot of examples of monopoly in the contemporary era such as AB Inbev, but it doesn't mean that it is totally a modern concept. Monopoly existed even in history take for example the case of Carnegie steel mills or the issue of railroads.
When one company possess such power that it can control the price, it can badly damages the interest of other investors and consumers. But the reason they create a monopoly is that they have heavy influence in politics. That is how they turn up the decisions to their own benefits. And monopolies always try to create hurdles for new investors to get in the market. Because they are charging whatever they want due to no competition, as soon as new competition arrive it will challenge the monopoly which it can't take.
Shopping products are the ones that customers tend to compare in order to buy them considering different characteristics like price, style and quality. Because of this, customers take some time before deciding what to purchase and shoes can be considered a shopping good as consumers will make comparisons before deciding which one to buy.
Opportunity cost is the valje of the next best alternative forgone when a choice is made.
World trade organization member countries account for approximately 80-95% of world trade. Its three main functions are:
-Forum for negotiation
-Dispute Settlement
To sum it up, World Trade Organization sets the rules, allows countries to talk, and has process for actually resolving problems.