Either shoes or skinny jeans, I'd go with shoes. Xavier would grow in both height and weight as he goes through the growth spurt. As his height grows, his foot will grow accordingly as he needs support for his enlarging body. So he would need shoes prior to all others.
Jared talimg about how he is thin and muscular
1. Bats and cats: <em>Homology</em>
2. Whales and sharks: <em>Analogy</em>
In Biology, homology refers to <u>the similarity of features from different species of organisms that share a common ancestor</u>. This is the opposite of analogy, which refers to <u>a feature that has a similar function but is not derived from a common ancestor</u>.
In this case, bats and cats have forelimbs adapted for locomotion. This is a case of homologous characters because they both are descendants of tetrapods - four-limbed animals. Therefore, even though cats and bats look completely different, they both share a similar feature: forelimbs, a characteristic feature from their common early mammalian ancestors.
On the other hand, whales (mammals) and sharks (fish) do not share a common ancestor. So, the fins are analogous structures: both have a similar function because both have adapted to an aquatic environment but they have completely separate evolutionary origins.
Answer:C) mens rea
Mens rea is when someone takes an intentional action to kill or harm another person. The person actual has a purpose to harm someone which means he or she first planned the action knowingly so that such action will cause harm to another human being.
Mens rea a person commit a crime knowingly and willingly with a purpose to harm. It is a planned crime where one thinks about it , draw the plan in his or her mind and then proceed to actual taking action towards the plan.
On average, this effect started to appear if someone's BAC level has reach 0.15 %.
On average, 2 standard drinks could cause an increase in 0.05 % of BAC (depending on each person's body mechanism)
So, it took about 5 drinks for Jane to get into that level of effect.