Answer:a. This study involved comparison of two populations. What were the populations?
1) Pregnant women who took the drug.
2)Pregnant women who didn't take the drug.
b. Do you suppose the data were obtained in a survey or experiment?
- Survey
C.Provide a descriptive statistic that could be used to estimate the number of women out of 1000 in this population who have tissue abnormalities.
-out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
D. remember that women whose mothers took the drug were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities.)
___ out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities
e. Medical sudies often use a relatively large sample (in this case 3980). Why?
medical studies often use a relatively large sample (in this case, 3980) because disease occurrences can be rare and difficult to observe when only isolated populations are considered.
pulmonary disease.
with this condition, diaphragm has symptoms of not inhaling enough o2, absorbing the o2 into the bloodstream, caused by smoking, COPD, etc. results in hypo ventilation, and heart conditions. diaphragm is what helps lungs inhale & exhale o2 & co2...
The maxillary first molar normally has three roots. The mesiobuccal root is broad distobuccal and has prominent depressions or flutings on its mesial and distal surfaces. The internal canal morphology is highly variable, but the majority of the mesiobuccal roots contain two canals.
يزداد في هاد القرن 21 هيمنة لعديد من وسائل التكنولوجية من بينها التلفاز الدي يعرض بعض من برامج تلفزيونية ملحقة ب صور و أغاني التي في بعض الأحيان قد لا تفيدنا أبدا انما فقط لتضييع الوقت و من وجهتي نضري يجب الالتجاء الى برامج مفيدة وهادفة تنمي رصيدنا المعرفي بمعلومات قد تساعدنا في مستقبلنا او حاضرنا ولن نندم ابدا في الاستمتاع بها عكس تلك البرامج التلفزيونية التافهة التي تظلم فقط عقولنا بدون فائدة فيجب ان نستخد عقولنا في هاده الوضعيات باختيار لحل الصحيح و لخيار الصائب الدي سيفيدنا ومن وجهتي نضري ايضا ان تمنع هده لبرامج عن العرض في تلفاز فهي فقط تفسد ·مجتمعنا