Foreign policy is important because it determines the state of relationships between countries and guides the diplomats in negotiations. If a country is too aggressive and refuses to take into the legitimate interests of other countries, it may face a push back or even an armed conflict.
The United States relied on French and British trade for the economy. Because the USA was young, it didnt have very much time to develop local industries, the economy was not prepared for the split with Britain when it occurred. So once the British and French went to war, French and British ships would blockade one another, and cease trade. This eventually led to the XYZ affair which was a catastrophy for the USA.
The launching of Sputnik was significant because it started the Race to space. Once Russia did this, the US formed NASA and sent up their first satellite.
Do you have the graph to show? Usually, the point (5,58) would tell you about x and y. I remember it by x,y so 5 would be x and 58 would be y. Post the graph so i can see what you mean, but i think this sums it up, kinda lol