Town lifestyle (I assume you mean by this: a settled lifestyle , so that it contrasts with the nomadic lifestyle) comes with more security: you can store your food reserves and plan for the future.
nomadic lifestyle gives you more flexibility but less security: you can travel elsewhere if your fodosource is runnign low... but usually this is not as good of a food source as a settled lifestyle. One other possible advantage could be being merchants: nomads can benefit from a trade.
A total war is when there are no restrictions on weapons used, the territory or warriors involved, or the objects pursued.
Yes, the crime still would have been committed. Falsification of documents and false representations are crimes, irrespective of their consequences.
However. If Mills had paid, Pivowar would never have come to know about the false representation and the case would not have come to court. Whether the case comes to the court or it does not, is an independent factor of whether a crime has been committed.
A crime is an offense punishable by state or other authority. The term crime does not have a simple, generally accepted definition in modern criminal law, but a statutory definition is provided for specific purposes.
Learn more about crime
You should proply take leasons with some one who went to collage and you shoud have expersince with kids perfore you sign up so you nows how it feels to be around kids
Well, you might be wondering what country "nacirema" comes from, you might have checked the world map and couldn't find it there, you might be sitting down and wondering what kind of strange culture/tribe allows peoples body to be used for ritual, okay, let me disappoint you, nacirema is actually America written backward.
Based on this, we tend to see other cultures as weird and horrible, we look down on them and wish they could be wiped off the map, there seems to be a us vs them, we feel we are better and shouldn't associate with such people or culture. They, on the other hand, view us as the strongest, richest and most powerful nation in the world, however, they still view us as a people who discriminate against other cultures, they view us as been rude and cruel to their culture, we often laugh at them when they speak, just becuase they dont speak like Americans, to us our perspective is the only one that's truly right, but the truth is, every culture is unique.