Simplify a complex problem means reduces its complexity and make it easy to understand. When we make the problem simplified then, the data become more clear and understandable.
There are many ways to simplify a complex problem as follows:
- Organize the information and content properly and reduces the layers of complexity. Organized the content in the form of steps so that it become easy to understand.
- Use of clear language is one of the most important part to make the content more clear and use proper formatting of the data.
- Break the information into smaller parts to it can easy to read and looks more clearly. So, the reader finds it more comfortable and efficient.
It is the basic way to Photoshop in a video
The algorithm:
Input days
sum = 0
for i = 1 to
input text
sum = sum + text
end for
average = sum/days
print average
The program in pascal:
var days, sum, text, i:integer;
var average : real;
write ('Days: '); readln(days);
for i := 1 to do
write ('Text: '); readln(text);
average := (sum/days);
writeln ('The average text is' , average);
This declares all variables
var days, sum, text, i:integer;
var average : real;
This begins the program
This gets the number of days from the user
write ('Days: '); readln(days);
Initialize sum to 0
This iterates through the days
for i := 1 to do begin
This gets the text for each day
write ('Text: '); readln(text);
This sums up the texts
End loop
Calculate average
average := (sum/days);
Print average
writeln ('The average text is' , average);
End program
A row, which is also called a tuple.
Standard Tree Protocol (STP) is a networking protocol that was made by Radia Perlman. It makes a single path over a network, averting any loops from happening. Even if there are multiple paths to the same destinations. It has two never versions which is 802.1s and 802.1w.