I believe intended actions are to prevent further criminal action from occurring, disciplining inmates and offering salvation to those who committed crimes by mandatorily serving time. Unintended consequences like the environment of having to be around so many inmates is increased hostility, mental instability and isolation contributing to inmates psychological deterioration. Simply put, intended; be a good boy, don't mess up and maybe one day you'll get out. // Not intended; being a bad boy because you've been given a life sentence and see no reason not to throw your life away because you're not getting out anyways.
This Act, by prohibiting private monopolization, unreasonable restraint of trade and unfair trade practices, by preventing excessive concentration of economic power and by eliminating unreasonable restraint on production, sale, price, technology and the like, and all other unjust restriction of business. The economic role of competition is to discipline the various participants in economic life to provide their goods and services skillfully and cheaply.
the Checks and Balances system.
this should be right
》The clash of norms and values between variously socialized groups.
》Socialization and the process of association between individuals.
》The existence of subcultures and varying types of opportunities.
i found three i think it help you
Second degree murder on police custody and then rub