Olá. Primeiramente, é importante ressaltar que você não pode postar perguntas em português fora do campo "World Languagens". Esse não é o servidor brasileiro e sim o americano, por isso perguntas em português s´´o podem ser respondidas dessa forma.
Em segundo lugar, você não apresentou nenhum texto, o que dificulta que a sua pergunta seja respondida. Entretanto, eu posso te ajudar, afirmando que dentro das estrofes de um poema, as palavras sãpo organizadas em versos. O conjunto de versos, forma uma estrofe.
Em relação as letras, só é possivel determinar com elas são, depois que a leitura do texto for feita, mas podemos afirmar que na maioria dos casos, as letras maiusculas são usadas apenas no inivio do verso, enquanto as letras minusculas são usadas em todos os versos.
english II, American History I, health and PE B, LE Strategies for Online Learning Success B
Role of Political Parties is given below.
Political parties perform an important task in government. They bring people together to achieve control of the government, develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them, and organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates to office. Political parties want as many people involved as possible. Most members take a fairly passive role, simply voting for their party's candidates at election time. Some become more active and work as officials in the party or volunteer to persuade people to vote. The most ambitious members may decide to run for office themselves.
Representing groups of interests
The people represented by elected officials are called constituents. Whether Republican or Democrat, constituents make their concerns known to their representatives. Elected officials must not only reflect the concerns of their own political party but must also try to attract support from people in their districts or states who belong to the other party. They can attract this support by supporting bipartisan issues (matters of concern that cross party lines) and nonpartisan issues (matters that have nothing to do with party allegiance).
Simplifying choices
The two main political parties in the United States appeal to as many different groups as possible. They do so by stating their goals in a general way so that voters are attracted to a broad philosophy without necessarily focusing on every specific issue. Republicans are known for their support of business, conservative positions on social issues, and concern about the size of government; Democrats traditionally have supported labor and minorities and believe that government can solve many of the nation's problems.
Making policy
Political parties are not policy making organizations in themselves. They certainly take positions on important policy questions, especially to provide alternatives to the position of whichever party is in power. When in power, a party attempts to put its philosophy into practice through legislation. If a candidate wins office by a large majority, it may mean that the voters have given him or her a mandate to carry out t