B and D
The liquor code in Pennsylvania is a governing body to licensees. These licensees are required to follow this law and deviation could result into serious problems for the licensee and those working there.
Under the law it is forbidden to sell drinks to those who are visible intoxicated, and also to minors.
This is a little open for interpretation, but I would generally say that the best answer is that Josip Broz Tito was a very powerful leader, who kept the republics and the different groups together.
For example, we can see this from the fact that the first conflict happened in 1981: one year after his death ( a protest of Kosovans who demanded autonomy).
treating the bomb soviet union ships if the ussr did not remove their missiles
Biopsy of axillary lymph nodes
The biopsy of axillary lymph nodes is related to cancer. The doctor will check one small lymph and after checking it sent it to the specialist who will check it under a microscope. Many of small organs in our body spread around in the body here and there.
These small organs help us to protect our body from outside germs and predators. Biopsy related to lymph node helps us to find out cancer. Even it helps us in finding out the infection in it. Why this infection occurs and why the lymph node gets swollen.
Thus Mrs. Unger who is 53 years old has been diagnosed by breast cancer because of the abnormal report in mammography. So here Mrs. Unger breast cancer can be detected best by biopsy of axillary lymph of nodes.
Damage to the A. Locus coeruleus would affect projections using the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
The locus coeruleus is a part of the brain which is primarily composed of <em>noradrenergic cells.</em> Its main functions are related to an individual's physical responses to fear and stress.
It is the main source of norepinephrine, since it is in charge of the responses to stress and fear such as <em>increased heart rate and blood pressure</em>, <em>activation of glucose release </em>so the individual has more energy and <em>direction of more blood to go where needed</em>, <em>decreasing it in places where it is not necessary for the moment</em>, such as the digestive system.
Damage to it would affect this neurotransmitter's projections.