If you have a lot of money you might just want to get what you want whenever you want because you know you have the money for it.
In June 2011, after pinning WWE Champion John Cena on Raw,[148] Rey Mysterio at Capitol Punishment,[149] and finally Alberto Del Rio again in a No. 1 contendership match all within one week, Punk revealed that his contract was to expire on July 17 at Money in the Bank and vowed to leave the company with the WWE Championship
a. assimilate; accommodate.
In psychology, these two terms i.e, assimilation and accommodation was proposed by one of the famous psychologists named Jean Piaget in his theory of cognitive development.
Assimilation: It is defined as a way through which an individual tends to absorb new knowledge. According to Piaget, assimilation is described as one of the cognitive processes through which an individual takes a piece of new experience and information and then incorporate or fits them into his or her already existing world view or ideas.
Accommodation: According to Piaget, the term accommodation is described as a process through which it is being explained that what occurs when new experiences and information causes an individual to modify or alter his or her existing schemas. So, instead of making the new information to fit into his or her pre-existing schema, he or she changes the schema to accommodate the new experiences and information.
The answer is
Maslow's hierarchy".
</span><span> <span>Abraham Maslow presented the theory in 1943 though
it was it was fully expressed in 1954 by him in his famous work “Motivation and
personality”. It is this </span><span>theory of
motivation which hypothesized that within every human being there exist a set
of needs that resembles apyramid. I am uploading a picture portraying the