A feminist icon is a person who supports women and their rights and is someone who all the feminists look up to. It's a person who is dedicated to being an honorable feminist and shows the right side of supporting feminism.
distributed practice.
Many students review course material at various times during a semester so they will be prepared for the final exam. These students are especially likely to retain the information far into the future. This best illustrates the value of distributed practice. Distributed practice is a strategy of learning that makes use of smaller addiction of study and practice over a longer period of time rather than a short period of time. For example, studying something during two different sessions with a break of a few days (or even hours) in between, rather than learning it all in a go.
"Issuance" is supplying or distributing something, especially for official reasons. An interim report is an example of an official document. An extremely important, relevant quality to issuing a document is "time" -- so you know you're submitting everything you need to within a deadline.</span>
This correct answer is a.
Though states can pass laws which apply locally, the Federal government has the final say when there is a conflict between a Federal and a State law. The supremacy clause, article VI of the constitution, says that any Federal law that prohibits a certain practice supersedes any kind of state law. For example, if the state law permits the use of marijuana but the federal law issues a prohibition, the state should comply with the federal law or the federal government can stop the state legislation.