Conocimientos, creencias y valores, arte, leyes, educación, gastronomía, vestimenta, tradiciones, costumbres y toda clase de habilidades y hábitos adquiridos por los seres humanos, en tanto miembros de una sociedad en particular.
La cultura es un proceso en el cual interactúan formando un todo coherente, una serie de elementos, así como los mencionados arriba.
Since scarcity is when the supply of a product goes low
the price goes up when the supply of a product is down
A mountain is a single standing one such a Mount Fuji. A mountain range is a chain of mountains such as the Himalayas
Often, waterfalls form as streams flow from soft rock to hard rock. This happens both laterally (as a stream flows across the earth) and vertically (as the stream drops in a waterfall). In both cases, the soft rock erodes, leaving a hard ledge over which the stream falls
The answer is: [C]: New Zealand.
Note: the key world is "primarily".
Australasia consists PRIMARILY of Australia and New Zealand.