Hi There!
Question - The survival of some plants depends on their ability to have seeds transported to a favorable environment. Describe three different ways seeds can be transported from one location to another?
Answer/Why - The seeds can be catch the wind and blow to a place to grow. The seeds can be carried by the animals catching them. And seeds can be transported by the water.
Hope This Helps :)
More sunlight but less space.
The fallen tree would have let in more sunlight as it was blocking sunlight from getting in most of the time. Since the tree fell more sunlight will be able to get in. The only problem would the fact that there will be less space depending on the size of the tree and how it fell over.
One gets together with another and it happens then a child comes
It makes the soil not as thick due to the loss of sediments and it cant hold near as much nutrients to keep up with the plant life