Its C
I got it right. Your welcome
Answer and explanation;
The hydrophobic effect is the observed tendency of non-polar substances to aggregate in an aqueous solution and exclude water molecules. Hydrophobic interaction is mostly an entropic effect originating from the disruption of highly dynamic hydrogen bonds between molecules of liquid water by the non-polar solute.
Introduction of such a non-hydrogen bonding surface into water causes disruption of the hydrogen bonding network between water molecules.
Water dissolves molecules (proteins and nucleic acids) that display on their solvent-accessible surfaces groups that can h-bond [hydroxyl, carbonyl, ester groups; they're polar uncharged...also charged groups; protonated amines, carboxylates and phosphate ethers.
Molecules with internal h-bonds dissolve in water, some/all internal h-bonds may be in dynamic exchange with h-bonds in water
Polar nature of water contributes to ability to dissolve non-ionic polar organic molecules, such as phenols, esters, amides; have large dipole moments and interaction with water dipole promotes solubility in water.
Answer: The adaptations like paddy feet and fur on the outer body is an adaptation for very cold place but not for the rain forest.
Explanation: If the outer body of the organism is made of fur then it will protect the inside body from cold and will provide warmth.
But if the body will have adaptation like fur in the rain forest then it will make the organism wet so there will be no use of fur on the outer surface of the organism.
The adaptation like camouflage will help the organism in the rainforest so that it can hide themselves from predators in the forest.
Some molecules are too big they cannot diffuse through the membrane, for example starch (glucose) molecules.