Complement circumstantial de cauza→subordonata circumstantiala cauzala (de ce? din ce cauza?)
1) Fiindca era suparat, s-a retras intr-un colt al camerei.
2) Nu plange de tristete, intrucat este bucuros.
3) Deoarece invata mereu, i-a fost usor la examen.
4) Pentru ca erau ceilalti, am pierdut meciul.
5) Caci era multa galagie, nu am auzit sunand la usa.
The answer would be D
Explanation: Hope this helps:)
The active sentence is
→ D. Few people think seriously of doing something about accidents
This sentence uses simple present tense
✐ formula present simple
(+) S + Verb 1 + O/C
(-) S + do/does+ not + Verb 1 + O/C
(?) Do/does + S + Verb 1 + O/C?
Subject : English
Keywords : Active Voice, Present simple
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