Brown v. Board of Education
War tends to disrupt traditional norms surrounding gender and sexuality, and the First World War between 1914-1918 was no exception. Keep in mind, the U.S. did not become involved in the war until 1917.
During World War I, many women entered the workforce for the first time. With significant numbers of men away in Europe, women were needed in various capacities. It is believed over 20,000 women worked as nurses during the war. Others worked in clerical positions for the U.S. Government. Telephone and radio operators were also common positions for women.
On the home front, women assumed greater responsibility in public life as significant portions of the male population were 'over there' (as Europe was referred to during that time). Women too young or unable to work helped the war effort in various ways, such as planting 'victory' gardens.
Out of the following options, the option that is least in line with his beliefs and he was promoting with his psychodynamic thought of the mental life, is C - mental illness is caused by injory to the body or brain.
Such a view of mental illness became much more prominent in later decades, when much more was known about how the brain works and how the body is connected to it.
America was moving towards an industrialized, modern, capitalist economy:
Industrialized because industry was becoming more important than agriculture.
Modern because scientific and engineering progress were being applied to industry in order to increase production and efficiency.
Capitalist because people were producing goods for profit, not just for mere survival.
The enlightenment sparked ideas of natural rights and freedoms, when the British government had colonized the americas, there were no rights granted. The people educated in the enlightenment know thinkers like John Locke with his idea that everyone is born with rights, and resize they are not receiving these.