It left behind no artifacts for artifacts for the archaeologists to study is the correct answer.
The Minoan civilization existed from 2000 BC and till 1400 BCE. It was located on the island of Crete. They were famous for their architecture and the palaces they built. It flourished during the Middle Bronze Age. They made an important contribution to the development of western European Civilization. Sir Arthur Evans was the first person who proposed the presence of a civilization on the island of Crete. The Minoan settlement's tombs cemeteries are spread all over the island of Crete. They were in contact with Egypt and the exchange of pottery and foodstuffs also happened.
ealizes rycerskość (Code of Chivalry - bohaterowie-rycerze przestrzegający tego kodu) Idealizuje szlachetnego rycerza-bohatera i jego śmiałe uczynki. Kobiety są wyidealizowane i cenione przez rycerza-bohatera.
Both Leaders challenged the European Union.
And they both studied chemistry at universities.
Please correct me if I'm wrong!! :)
If I'm remembering correctly, the Protestant Reformation was a direct challenge to the Catholic church during the Renaissance. The Renaissance spirit of questioning authority (A) WAS a cause. During this time period, the Renaissance, people were beginning to think for themselves about the traditions they had followed for centuries--including the Catholic church.
The sale of indulgences (B) was also a cause: people were unhappy that the Catholic church was making money by selling forgiveness of your sins. That's just not right! It drove many people away from Catholicism.
I believe the Council of Trent (C) was a RESPONSE to the Protestant Reformation, where Catholicism was looked at a little more closely. The council was very much against the Protestant Reformation. This option is an effect, not a cause.
Answer: C
France had all of these things, and after the revolution this burden was a thorn in Frances side for decades.