International division of labour.
The separation of work into number of tasks is known as division of Labor.
It is important for the economic progress because it allows the people to specialise in particular tasks. The specialisation makes them more efficient and reduces the cost of total production.
International division of labour is the process that occurs when the production in not limited to national economies. According to the "old " International division of labour the underdeveloped countries were incorporated in the world economy as the supplier of agricultural commodities and minerals, It lasted till 1970's. While according to the theory of New International Division of Labour(NIDL) the manufacturing is shifting from advanced capitalist countries to developing countries.
The policy of containment focused on keeping communism and the Soviet Union's influence limited, rather than by trying to confront the Soviet Union directly or eliminate communism completely. It influenced US foreign policy by prompting intervention in places like Korea to stop the spread of communism.
George F. Kennan recommended the policy of containment which set the tone for US involvement in world relations following World War II. Kennan was an American diplomat in Moscow after World War II. In 1946, he sent what became known as "the long telegram" of his advice about what the USA needed to do about the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
People feared a direct confrontation between the USA and the USSR. Kennan advised not pushing the conflict too much, but instead just try to "contain" the Soviet Union and wait for their system to collapse under the weight of its own problems.
The Coercive acts was a act that had 5 laws. The British government had a purpose of restoring authority in its colony. It also lead to the start of the Boston tea party
The purpose of the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence was to inform the British Parliament and King George III of the intentions of all thirteen American colonies to separate from English rule.
The Bedouin people are Arab nomadic tribes, living today in Egypt, southern Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. They have been living their way of life pretty much in the same way since the pre-Islamic age.