Ecosystem is an area where plants, animals, micro organisms, as well as weather work together to form life. The non living things comes under abiotic factors whereas, living things comes under biotic factors.

Organisms are divided into five kingdoms. They are:
- Kingdom Monera(Prokaryotic).
- Kingdom Protista.
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Animalia
Description of each kingdom is given below:
1) Kingdom Monera:- This kingdom is made up of simple single celled micro organisms.
2) Kingdom Protista:- This group of kingdom includes many kinds of unicellular algae, protozoans and unicellular fungi.
3) Kingdom Fungi:- Simple non green plants which cannot do photosynthesis, they are heterotrophic and eukaryotic organisms. Some fungi are parasites.
4) Kingdom Plantae:- This kingdom includes multicellular organisms expect for some primitive relatives of algae. They are eukaryotes, their each cell has a membrane bound cellular organelles.
5) Kingdom Animalia:- Animals have wall less eukaryotic cells. Growth of animals is limited and stops after reaching maturity. Animals have organisation of cellular, tissue, organs and organ system level.