A. High entry costs prevent new producers from entering the market.
Oligopoly is the opposite of monopoly (only one company that offers a service or is the supply). An oligopoly has few companies offering one service or product which can control the supply and market price of it, such as automotive sector or airline. One of the things that limited competition in an oligopoly is the costs of entry, to set up the manufacturer, to make research and marketing and be able to compete with these companies the entry cost is high.
The Wilmot Proviso was a piece of legislation proposed by David Wilmot (D-FS-R PA) at the close of the Mexican-American War. If passed, the Proviso would have outlawed slavery in territory acquired by the United States as a result of the war, which included most of the Southwest and extended all the way to California.
Erin and Mel are having marital problems. It would help their relationship if anyone of them would ask, "Can we talk about this?". Communicating about the problem would help the couple understand what happened and figure out a solution. The statements like, "It's all your fault.", How could you do that to me?", and "I can't talk to you right now." will only make things worst and not help the relationship.
Hey bud
read that it will help u