Because it is very easy to spend money that you do not have by using a credit card. Most think they can pay it off the following month, but that rarely happens.
Decision making and strategic planning
Management science refers to a science that helps handling the activities of an organization to accomplish established goals with the use of scientific methods. In order to reach their objectives, companies need to plan the strategies they are going to use and make sound decisions based on careful research and analysis of data to solve problems. For this, companies tend to use different techniques and mathematical models that help them to have a better understanding of the company situation and discover the right path to be successful. According to this, the answer is that management science stresses the use of rational, science-based techniques and mathematical models to improve decision making and strategic planning.
To qualify, the goods exported must have <u>50</u> percent U. S. content. This results in a tax reduction of <u>15</u> percent.
Foreign sales corporations (FSC) no longer exist. The FSC corporation had to be set up in the US, but it had to operate in foreign countries that complied with information agreements with the US government (IRS). It helped exporting companies to lower taxes, but they ceased to exist in year 2000.
B. negative externality
As it is late-night the sound of the traffict will bother to sleep for me and the entire area. This cost is not considered when performing the financial decistion but it is there as the utiliy from the conumer in that area decrease as a result of the labor in the highway to steer traffic into here.
As a result of these externality the social optimall decreases for the time the road construction end.