Answer:that u shouldn’t tell lie because when your telling the truth nobody will believe you
Auditioned... endured.
Since this is something that happened in the past, you need to use past simple in both gaps. Past simple is formed by adding -ed to the verb, or in this case: audition + ed = auditioned and endure + ed = endured. Joel first auditioned for the band, and then had to endure four tryouts.
The other options don't have both verbs in the past.
Answer: Allegory of the Cave Meaning
The allegory states that there exists prisoners chained together in a cave. ... This prisoner would believe the outside world is so much more real than that in the cave. He would try to return to free the other prisoners.
What america means to me today:
<em>America was founded on the basis of freedom and equality, and is famed as a multiracial country.</em> The founding fathers were driven by the quest to free themselves off of the shackles of Great Britain when they signed the declaration of independence. This was not to be held true as this same America was built on a slave driven economy.<em> Up until today racial discrimination and systematic segregation and suppression is still dominant in America even after the civil right movement's supposed victory, and some people still see themselves superior to others.</em> America to me is a country that refuses to let go of some of its evil past of segregation and unequal treatment on racial basis, even though it claims to be racially tolerant.
About equality for the people:
<em>Equality for the people is a fundamental human right. It is what defines a citizen of a country, backed by the constitution of that country</em>. In America, I think its high time the true meaning of equality be practiced. Equality should ensure equal treatment and judgement in the judicial system, equality should ensure equal treatment by law enforcement agencies, equality should guarantee equal job and socio-economic developments and aid among others. Equality should truly mean equality in America for every person or people of America.
About athletes speaking up against issues faced in america today:
Athletes using their influence to speak out about issues faced in America today is a noble thing to do. <em>These athletes are just simply amplifying the voice of the people to places the ordinary man might not be heard.</em> These athletes are using their position and influences to instigate changes and speak up against unpleasant treatment of a person or a particular group of people in America.