It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get back into the house, i didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when I decided to grab an umbrella and walk down the road to see if they were there to follow me or stalk me. It was rainy, dark, and cold that night. I grabbed the first umbrella in my reach and quickly started walking the opposite way the car was parked. I got around the corner, ducked behind a bush, and watched. The car quickly flipped around and almost raced down the street as quietly as possible without losing sight of me. I quickly got up, ran a little so it didn't look like I'd stopped, and continued on my walk. I had turned here and there, wound around several places, and the car was still following me from quite a distance. I had gone so far that I was near a friends house. I decided to avoid a conflict with the strange person, I would have to go see my friend Jen in the late hours of the night. I would explain to her what had happened, and just in case the person could see me through the window, I would act like I went there for a reason. Maybe pretend I was late for something. I got to her house and the bedroom light was on. All I could think to myself was <em>thank god</em>. I got up to the door and....
The adverb modified A. LIFTED.
An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, and another adverb. It answers the questions how?, how often?, when?, and where?
The adverb in the sentence is EASILY.
How did the lift the other wrestler? EASILY.
C.The Call of the Wild is a famous novel set in Alaska and written by Jack London.
According to the capitalization letters, names and last-names should be capitalized, as well as countries and states, all large words in titles of books or movies should be capitalized, small words only if they´re the start or the end of the sentece.
The poem tells the story of the final half-inning of a baseball game. ... In the poem, Mighty Casey gets two pitches right down the middle of the plate, but he passes them up, waiting for an even better pitch to hit. The crowd is in a frenzy because one more strike means that Casey is out and the game is over.