Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most troubled characters, and he contemplates on life and death quite a lot. In these lines it is apparent that death is inevitable, it will come for us all no matter who we are. Both Alexander and Caesar were once great men, it seemed it was impossible for them to die. But they did, the same way every living creature will eventually. We will die, and turn to dust, then to earth, and so on. No one can escape that fate, no matter how hard we try. Regardless who you are in life, you will share the same doom with every other creature that once lived.
It helps students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question.
It teaches students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral communication skills.
It helps focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.
How to use think-pair-share
Decide upon the text to be read and develop the set of questions or prompts that target key content concepts.
Describe the purpose of the strategy and provide guidelines for discussions.
Model the procedure to ensure that students understand how to use the strategy.
Monitor and support students as they work through the following:
T : (Think) Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic.
P : (Pair) Each student should be paired with another student or a small group.
S : (Share) Students share their thinking with their partner. Teachers expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion.
Beowulf is a German soldier, and in their times strength and honor was the goal of every Battle. A Modern Hero is someone that helps when they hear someone in need, Officers, Fire Fighters, and Nurses are First Responder and our modern day heroes. Modern day heroes show integrity, grit, and above all a willing-ship to help. Our heroes today are able to rescue locals in danger, defend their country, and help our planet. To me being a Hero means to care for everyone, just like Beowulf, he too feels a sense of pride when fighting for people he cares about.
Political parties are teams of politicians, activists, and voters whose goal is to win control of government. To do so, parties perform essential tasks of recruiting and nominating candidates, garnering the resources needed to run campaigns, and pursuing a policy agenda that can help them appeal to voters. Although Americans tend to be suspicious of “party rule,” the Democratic and Republican parties are essential to the daily operation of government and the conduct of American democracy in elections. This two-party system helps to structure voters’ electoral choice and provide coordination to America’s otherwise divided and separated governing institutions.
The prefix bi mean two.
Bicycle: It has (2) wheels. And binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where a cell splits into 2.