The intent of separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of unchecked power by providing for "checks" and "balances" to avoid autocracy, over-reaching by one branch over another, and the attending efficiency of governing by one actor without need for negotiation and compromise with any other.
As I recall it was rolled-steel girders riveted together, probably from shipbuilding, together with steam-powered winches and an abundance of cheap steel. As opposed to European cathedrals erected with animal-powered winches and with more expensive forged iron bracing (one of the big cathedrals has a kind or iron corset to keep the walls from bursting outwards).
They reduced trade with European countries.
The destruction, the first world war brought to the United States changed its stance towards Europe in the following period which evident from the U.S foreign policies. They reduced trade withe European national and focused on the domestic issues. They saw the second world war as a European war and therefore took a neutral stance towards it.
A.) Lack of education. To me still has a little to do with the problem but is better than any other choice out of the selection.
The social motives for the 1095 Crusades was tin spiritual reward of indulgence, or the forgiveness of sins.
Explanation: Earthly rewards were forgiveness of debts, and freedom from taxes including fame and power politically. Not only did the Crusaders fight for the Holy Land, they also fought to consume power in the Church of Europe.