it makes the most sense out of all of them
In the Colonial United States, just like in any other region in the pre-industrial era, the vast majority of people were farmers. The proportion of people that lived on farms was around 90 percent. Most ot these lived in small farms that they owned, especially in the Northern States and Appalachia, were large farms, plantations and slavery were rare.
The causes were the Ohio River Valley. It was originally owned by the French. But, the British colonists wanted more land because their populations as getting bigger and bigger.
On May 14, 1804, Clark and the Corps joined Lewis in St. Charles, Missouri and headed upstream on the Missouri River in the keelboat and two smaller boats at a rate of about 15 miles per day. Heat, swarms of insects and strong river currents made the trip arduous at best.Jan
Ecomienda -The right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area