<u>For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.</u>
The British take over of Egypt was an example of "imperialism", since it meant that the British went into a foreign country and imposed their economic and political will.
So much room at the top here’s one think u could trust I’ll be there one the is another I’ll right there just to hug u
Roosevelt was not an isolationist at heart. But WWI was still fresh in the minds of the general public. Many families had lost relatives which up until WWII was the most devastating war the world had seen. Many Americans didn't want to get involved in Europe's politics and problems. A marvelous movie has been made about this called <em>The Americanization of Emily</em> staring a very young Julie Andrews (who does not sing a note) and a very handsome earthy James Garner. It captures beautifully how Americans felt about getting involved in other people's wars.
Roosevelt himself wanted to help Great Britain, but the problems with domestic worries in the United States forced him to hesitate. He needed something to motivate the public into getting into a war they did not want.
Japan provided him with Pearl Harbor. The American Public was moved into action. Some of the Japanese knew it, including the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor (Admiral Yamamoto who famously said "All we have accomplished was to awaken a sleeping giant.")
So began the bloodiest war the planet has ever seen.
I'm sorry this is so long, but you cannot talk about the transition period of WWII without knowing how people felt.