In 1781, James Madison (1751–1836) asked Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) for his account of those tumultuous pivotal days in which the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were drafted. Recognizing the importance of the process for the Revolution and for posterity, Thomas Jefferson prepared his notes of the proceedings in Congress, June 7–August 1, 1776. On this page, Jefferson’s notes reflect his interest in Article XVII, about representation in Congress.
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317.88-48.73-10.13-32.46= 227.13
The collapse of the cattle kingdom. A combination of factors brought an end to the cattle kingdom in the 1880s. The profitability of the industry encouraged ranchers to increase the size of their herds, which led to both overgrazing (the range could not support the number of cattle) and overproduction. but i think this may help