Because two of them were shaping the image of the Catholic church and affected the everyday's life of people. Also, they influenced the theology of the church a lot.
- St. Augustine is one of the foremost theologians and philosophers in the Christian West. His works exerted a great influence on the development of Roman Catholic and later Protestant theology.
- Although he was a Manichean in his youth, he later fought as a Christian bishop against the Manicheans. He was proclaimed a saint in the Christian West, which was later accepted in the Christian East, but with certain fences relating to some of Augustine's theological views, which proved controversial from the point of view of Christian orthodoxy.
- Thomas Aquinas, is one of the greatest theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages. His teachings are still very popular today.
Learn more on St. Augustine on
- Hitler tried it. How far did he get? Hitler never got to Moscow let alone further inland. Russia offers the following problems.
- It has a vast area to conquer.
- It has a good working industrial base. During WWII, Russia had that Industrial Base up and running. The problem from their point of view was that America's was better. I don't think that that's true now.
- Russia has an adequate army, air force and navy. Hitler relied on Blitzkrieg (which he thought he could conquer Russia quickly. It didn't turn out that way). which simply would not work on the Russian terrain. Many of Hitler's soldiers froze to death because he could not supply them with winter clothing. It would be that much harder now.
Answer: don't try it. It is better to wage economic war, but that seems like a poor idea to me. Russia's currency is in pretty good shape. Can you say the same about the American dollar?
1.) ending of slavery
2.) gold mining
3.) more estate
Four of the nine justices must agree.
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 was first enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt and it was designed to correct the imbalance. Farmers who agreed to limit production would receive “parity” payments to balance prices between farm and nonfarm products, based on prewar income levels.
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was created to implement the law’s goals which were limiting crop production, reducing stock numbers, and refinancing mortgages with terms more favorable to struggling farmers, and it was initially headed by George Peek – a man, ironically, not overly enthusiastic about the New Deal. Farmers were paid to destroy crops and livestock, which led to depressing scenes of fields plowed under, corn burned as fuel and piglets slaughtered. Nevertheless, many of the farm products removed from economic circulation were utilized in productive ways. For example: “The pork products were distributed to unemployed families…Other food products purchased for surplus removal and distribution in relief channels included butter, cheese, and flour”