C. has, singular. The verb form is describing a boy which is singular
New and unproven robopsychologist
Linda rash's official job title is known as a recently developed and unproven robopsychologist and the ironic thing about her profession is because it is a job of a psychologist study the brain, the mental processes and it's functions and a robot also has it own brain but doesn't have an opinion as well as a thought process.
A psychologist is a person that study the brain , the mental processes and how human behaves by critically observing, translating and as well as recording how human relate to eachother and the environment.
"Not that I lov'd Caesar less, but that I lov'd Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?"
When Faustus calls on Christ to come and save him, Lucifer and Belzebub immediately comes to him.