I will be
This time next month, I won't be in a crowded office. I will be on a beach in Greece.
Notice the period. If you don't use it, you will have a run on sentence.
You could use I'll instead of I will.
The morality that "Everyman" presents is that free will allows individuals to create their destiny, but that they are not controlled, nor dependent on that destiny, thus being free.
"The Somonyng of Everyman" is a play that was written to promote Christian values and as such, reflects that God does not have his children and servants as slaves, because God made humans to be free and to own their own destinies and decisions. With that, we can see that the protagonist, Everyman, who represents humanity, makes his own decisions, decides which paths to follow, who to face and who to make friends with. With that, Everyman demonstrates the domain of free will and the ability to build his destiny, but without depending on it and adapt as necessary.
It symbolizes his deepest fears and violent plans
Id say yes society has learned from Scrooge. He was a selfish man who only thought of himself and didnt help anyone at all. He was self centerd and bas consenquese came from his actions. So the raise in donations and giving probaly grew beacuse people where afraid the same thing whould happen to them.
Sorry for misspells and other thing. :C