Bourbon Democrats were promoters of a form of laissez-faire capitalism which included opposition to the high-tariff protectionism that the Republicans were then advocating as well as fiscal discipline. Also, Bourbons believed their background, education, and success meant they should lead the government. They wanted to continue their way of life and did not accept the need for change. These powerful men continued their prewar beliefs in states' rights and in their superiority to the former slaves.
Black and white abolitionists often had different agendas by the 1840s, and certainly in the 1850s. But one of the greatest frustrations that many black abolitionists faced was the racism they sometimes experienced from their fellow white abolitionists. In many cases, within the Garrisonian movement in particular, the role of the black speaker or the black writer or the black abolitionist was, in some ways, prescribed, as the famous case of Frederick Douglass' relationship with the Garrisionians.
<span>The Garrisionians wanted Douglass to simply get up and tell his story, to tell his narrative on the platform.</span>
The raid on Harper's Ferry was an intent by John Brown, who was an abolitionist, to initiate a slave revolt in 1859 by taking control on the federal arsenal located in Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
The two groups that were outside the arsenal were:
- <em>John Brown's "group of 22"</em>. This group of men was supposed to be supported abolitionists Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass. However, none of them showed up in the scene, as Tubman fell ill and Douglass was doubtful of a victory.
- <em>A group of US Marines</em> led by Colonel Robert E. Lee.
The attempt was unsuccessful, resulting in the defeat of Brown's group by the US Marines.
<span>The </span>Junto<span>, also known as the Leather Apron Club, was a club for mutual improvement established in 1727 by </span>Benjamin Franklin<span> in Philadelphia. The Leather Apron Club's purpose was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy, and to exchange knowledge of business affairs</span>
<span>(2) create a system of legal segregation</span>