There are 27 grievances in total if I remember correctly. Some of them include: the unfair taxes on goods, the British Parliament passed laws that were deemed unfair, the colonists had no say in the Parliament, the colonists were not allowed to sell any goods to any other country other than Britain.
The Olive Branch petition, was an attempt to give colonists some rights while staying loyal to the British crown.
The correct answer is - The God Huitzilopotchli desired more blood from human sacrifice.
The Aztecs were very fond of performing sacrifices towards their Gods, especially to the God of war, Huitzilopotchli. They were making human sacrifices on a regular basis for him as he was a God that was very blood thirsty. Most of the people that were sacrificed were people from the other tribes that they were ruling over, but also there were lots of Aztecs that were sacrificed. While the other people did not wanted to be sacrificed, the Aztecs considered it as an honor to be sacrificed to their God, so lots of them were volunteering for sacrifice.
There were way more jobs in the city and the similar immigrants could cluster together and support eachother