The answer is diphtheria. The symptoms of diphtheria usually track an incubation period of two to five days. Symptoms primarily are general and nonspecific frequently approaching a typical viral upper respiratory infection. Respiratory taking part usually starts with the sore throat and minor pharyngeal inflammation. The progress of the confined to a small area or coalescing pseudo membrane be able to happen in any part of the respiratory tract. The pseudo membrane is regarded as by the development of a dense, gray debris layer composed of a combination of dead cells, fibrin, red blood cells, white blood cells, and some organisms.
The "scissors" of the molecular biology are: DNA Restriction enzymes.
A restriction enzyme is a protein capable of cleaving a DNA fragment at a characteristic nucleotide sequence called a restriction site. Each restriction enzyme thus recognizes a specific site. Several hundred restriction enzymes are currently known.
Naturally present in a large number of species of bacteria, these enzymes have become important tools in genetic engineering.
The "glue" of the molecular biology are: DNA ligase
In molecular biology, DNA ligases are ligase-class enzymes that catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond between two segments of DNA. DNA ligases are involved in several essential cellular processes of DNA metabolism: in DNA replication, suture of Okazaki fragments, and in DNA repair and homologous recombination.
The use of these tools in molecular biology: Cloning
Molecular cloning is one of the bases of genetic engineering. It consists of inserting a DNA fragment (called insert) in an appropriate vector such as a plasmid for example. The new plasmid thus created will then be introduced into a host cell, generally the Escherichia coli bacterium. This will then be selected and multiplied to obtain a large amount of the plasmid of interest. Cloning a gene involves inserting it into a plasmid. A clone will be the bacterial transformant that contains this particular plasmid. In this case we speak of clone because all the individuals of the bacterial colony are genetically identical. Molecular cloning is thus different from reproductive cloning (creating an individual genetically identical to another but of a different age) or therapeutic cloning (making tissues from stem cells to perform transplants compatible with the recipient).
Molecular cloning requires restriction enzymes capable of cleaving the DNA, and DNA ligase capable of re-gluing the DNA fragments. Ligase was isolated for the first time from T4 bacteriophage. This enzyme is involved in the repair and replication of DNA. It can bind DNA fragments with compatible sticky ends. At higher concentration, this enzyme is also able to bind two ends of DNA as shown here. T4 DNA ligase works using ATP and Mg ++. It has an activity optimum of 16 ° C, but remains active at room temperature.
The white matter fibers are the main component of the brain. Three different types of white matter fiber are :
Commissural fibers:
This fiber is important for the connection of the corresponding left hemisphere and right hemisphere of the brain.
Projection fibers:
These fibers helps in the connection of the brain stem and the spinal cord with the cerebral cortex.
Association fibers:
These fibers are associated with the connection of the brain regions within the same hemisphere of the brain.
The answer that you want to pick is
A-Oogenesis occurs in females, but spermatogenesis occurs in males.
Think about how babies are made you need a male and a female.
NO. Mitosis involves one set of nuclear division and results in two nuclei that are exactly the same as the original. On the other hand, meiosis involves two sets of nuclear divisions.
Mitosis is a type of cell division normally occurring at the sites of growth and development of new tissues and also at sites of repair. It also occurs during asexual reproduction of organisms. Each mitotic cell division is a process that follows distinct phases.
Each mitotic division results in the formation of two daughter cells which are genetically identical to the parent cell, that is they have the same number and type of chromosomes as the parent cell.
During telophase, a nucleolus develops in the nucleus of each daughter cell. The cytoplasm divides in the process called cytokinesis. An invagination develops and finally splits the cell into two daughter cell each with its own nucleus and cytoplasm.