Its the epidermis because it is subdivided into two layers.
The longitude of the location of the ship is W
Here we have the time at the prime meridian as 2 pm while the time at the ship is 10 am. What this means is that the prime meridian is 4 hours ahead of the time of the location of the ship. Geographically, whenever a location is east of the prime meridian, it is ahead of the prime.
Mold is considered a multicellular organism, made up of many fungi cells. Thus the correct answer is option (C) Multicellular Organism.
Multicellular organisms are made up of many cells thus it is different from unicellular organisms.
Some organisms, such as slime molds and social amoebae of the genus Dictyostelium, have both uni- and multicellular structures. These include every type of animal, as well as most fungi, terrestrial plants, and algae.
Colonies of identical individuals that come together to form organisms are called colonies. However, it can be difficult to distinguish between "colonial protists" and "real multicellular organisms" because the terms are interchangeable (colonial protists are occasionally referred to as "pluricellular").
A fungus with many cells is called mold. It is made up of hyphal filaments, which can group together to form mycelia. A mycelium is a collection of mycelia, and these structures make up the thallus, or body, of the mold.
The complete question is:
Mold is made up of many fungi cells. Mold would be considered what type of organism?
A. unicellular
B. prokaryotic
C. multicellular
To learn more about mold please click on the given link:
Carbon dioxide (6CO2) + Water (6H2O) —-Sunlight —-> Glucose/Energy (C6H12O6) + Oxygen (6O2)