Answer: Throw technique
Survival floating is a survival technique when it comes to swimming, reach technique is considering survival technique when someone is in a dangerous situation and they CAN reach something important to them at that moment(for example telephone), wearing helmets is also a good response in an emergency because it can save us(for examples if we are riding a bike).
Throw technique can be only accepted when someone is trying to defend themselves but it is not an appropriate response in an emergency.
Total knee replacement is a medical surgery that helps in removing the defective knee and replaced the knee with the synthetic material. Any defects in the knee can be corrected by this surgery.
Autologous transfusion is the type of blood transfusion in which the blood is taken from the another part of the patient's body and then reinsert in the same body. The total knee replacement might require autologous tranfusion. The statement made by the nurse that she needs to donate blood around 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery indicates autologous transfusion.