Lovborg believes that he can confide in Hedda because she has an unwavering hold over him. When they were together prior to her marriage to George, she made him tell her everything, even the wicked things he had done, many of which he states were not the type of things one tells in mixed company. She had so bewitched him that realized, with her, he could hold nothing back, she would find a way to pry it out of him. This is demonstrated in the manner in which Hedda led him to break his sobriety. For him, it was impossible to say "no" to her, even though he knew it might cause him pain and that she might, later, use it against him.
Immigration provided the Human Resources uage Arts 711 Englist Asking Questions When Reading Fiction Axel is reading a science fiction book about a family who moves from Earth to live on and not … her planet Read the questions that Axel wrote while he was reading Based on what you've learned about questioning.
Answer and Explanation:
Nissani first addresses the importance of saving forests in third world countries, as a way not only to promote environmental protection and renewal of environmental resources, but also as a way to protect communities dependent on these forests.
After addressing the problem of forest destruction, it also addresses what we can do to promote the protection of these environments and how we can charge government officials for these practices to be carried out.
Nissani says that firstly, we have to control the world population, doing family planning and promoting sex education, which can reduce overpopulation and the need for environmental resources. It also points to the need to create better economic and environmental policies in these countries, the need to optimize the use of wood and waste recycling, the need for financial incentives for companies and people who explore nature in a sustainable way. In addition, she says it is necessary to promote reforestation.
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